Predatory Tow & Boot Laws*
(laws effective August 2022)
Many DTC area communities have resident parking availability challenges, which has required parking enforcement. Recently, the Legislature updated its laws regarding tows and boots in residential communities. Here are just a few key points*:
1) Tow companies must provide 24-hour notice prior to towing (with certain exceptions, incl being parked without a permit if the community requires one, parked in a fire zone, blocking a driveway, or parked in a handicap space, to name a few).
2) Release a vehicle that has been hooked up to a truck – but not yet towed – if approached by an owner.
3) Not tow a vehicle solely for expired registration tags.
4) Maximum charges for tows and boots. Tow charges are complex; however boots may only cost $160.
5) Allow owners to retrieve items from inside a towed vehicle.
6) Allow owners to retrieve vehicles without payment if promise to pay.
7) Prominently display maximum fees charged for towing on company's website and business location.
8) Photograph a vehicle before towing to document its condition.
For full detail on the law, visit the Legislative Council Staff's Issue Brief available on and the Public Utilities Commission's website. If you think your vehicle was towed illegally, file a complaint with the PUC.
We urge residents not to park in violation of their community's rules and regulations.
*For informational purposes only, please do not rely on this info before confirming its accuracy with a licensed attorney or other authoritative source.